A first for Clarins, the Virtual World launched with pop-ups occurring globally where the consumer can experience a section of the world IRL and online. Each area of the virtual world focuses on the innovation of Double Serum 9 encouraging the consumer to experience the product through play.

The Mirror Maze lets the player to discover the exclusive Clarins Epigenetic study, where 32 twins were studied to identify the secret to youthful skin. Each area of the maze allows the player to explore the 5 different discoveries and uncover the hidden secrets.

The Time Capsule lets the player confront their lifestyle choices, and to set an intention for their future self, where they receive an AI-Generated Postcard encapsulating their potential future youthful glow and a record of their intentions.

Double Serum Falls lets players experience the duality of the product, diving into the product design through the dual rivers to discover the ingredients behind Double Serum 9. Players can unlock exclusive rewards by collecting the molecule tokens.

Produced by Artificial Rome

My Role, Copywriter / Creative Director, Jennifer Hayashi / Creatives, Katya Pavlenko and Ly Leova / Agency, CULT Ldn

irtual World

Copywriting and Scriptwriting for Clarins’ first foray into the Metaverse

Explore the virtual world here

For the Clarins Double Serum Generation 9 launch, I worked with the team at CULT Ldn to redefine how the industry market's anti-ageing serums by creating the Clarins Virtual World.